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Help / WEBDEV administrator / WEBDEV administrator for Linux / 1. Installing an application server
  • Overview
  • Checking the elements installed on the Linux server
  • Installing the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux
  • Checking the Application Server setup
  • Checking the Apache server
  • Running the test from a Windows browser
  • Testing the remote administrator
  • Increase the number of simultaneous authorized connections
  • Number of semaphores
  • Number of segments of shared memory
  • Minimum size of the shared memory
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Install a WEBDEV Application Server for Linux
setup of application server WEBDEV on a 64-bit Linux server must be carried out in several stages:
  • Checking the elements installed on the Linux server.
  • Installation of application server WEBDEV 64 bits for Linux.
  • Checking the Application Server setup.
  • Configuring the users and their rights for deploying WEBDEV applications.
Remark: Only a 64-bit version can be installed.
Checking the elements installed on the Linux server
To work properly, the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux requires:
  • the presence of Apache server. This HTTP server must work properly. To check it is working, simply start a Web explorer from another computer and enter the following address: "http://<Server name>".
    Remark: to install the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux, you must know:
    • the name and path of configuration file for the Apache server (for example: /etc/httpd/conf/http.conf).
    • the name and path of the script used to reload the Apache configuration (for example: /usr/sbin/apachectl -k graceful).
  • the optional presence of an FTP server (managing the connections with password).
  • the presence of the libstdc++ library ( library).
    Remark: if a program locks the use of this library, then this program must be disabled.
  • the presence of the QT 4.5 library (or later). This library is required to use the drawings in Linux.
Checking these elements must be done before installing WEBDEV for Linux.
In Appendix 2: Checking the server, you will find the steps to check the most common Linux distributions.
Installing the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux
To install the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux, you can:
  • run the "WEBDEV_Install64" program from the setup package on the Linux server.
  • copy the content of the installation package to the Linux server and run "WEBDEV_Install".
Remark: you must have sufficient rights to run this program; otherwise, the message "Permission denied" will appear. The following line allows you to grant execution rights:
chmod +x WebDev_Install64

The main setup steps are:
  1. Select setup language . By Default, the screen is displayed in the language of the setup station .
  2. Accept the license agreement:

    To validate this screen, you must scroll through the entire license agreement with the up/down arrows.
  3. Check the prerequisites:
  4. Specify whether the replication server is to be installed:
  5. Enter the identification key.
  6. Select the installation directory:

    We advise you to keep the suggested directory.
  7. Specify the parameters to install the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux:
    • the path of the Apache configuration file. To get the name and path of this file, see Appendix 2: Checking the server.
      If the specified path is not correct, an error message appears.
    • the command line used to reload the Apache configuration once an alias has been added (this operation is automatically performed when the WEBDEV sites are installed by FTP).
    • the possibility of allowing the deployment of sites from previous versions.
  8. Specify the name of the Unix group corresponding to the administrator group of WEBDEV Application Server. The group proposed by default is webdevadmin.

    The group is automatically created if it does not exist.
  9. Also specify the name and password of the first deployment account. This account is the User account used to log in to the administration sites. it is also used to deploy sites and web services. If this account does not exist, it will be created: in this case, keep the characteristics of the account. If this account exists, the password specified in this screen will not be taken into account.
  10. Validate the setup of the application server.
  11. The setup is completed. The setup report is displayed.
Checking the Application Server setup
Once the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux is installed, it is recommended to check the following points.

Checking the Apache server

This check must be performed if the setup was ended properly or if the setup ended with the "Config-broken" error.
For more details on the different points to check, see Appendix 2: Checking the server.

Running the test from a Windows browser

To check whether the WEBDEV Application Server for Linux works properly:
  1. Open an Internet browser.
  2. Enter the following address:
    http://<Adresse IP Serveur>/WD290AWP/WD290AWP/version
    where "Server IP address" corresponds to the IP address of the Linux server.
  3. The browser displays a few lines indicating the WEBDEV version that is installed. For example:
    WebDev 29.0 Linux
    Copyright © PC SOFT 1993-2023
    (TST) 1303667-1699876806-1394533-YM

Testing the remote administrator

The remote administrator is the application used to manage the user accounts and the WEBDEV websites on the server. To check the operating mode of the remote administrator:
  1. Open an Internet browser.
  2. Enter the following address:
    http://<Adresse IP Serveur>/WD290AWP/WD290AWP/CONNECT/WDAdminWeb290

    where "Server IP address" corresponds to the IP address of the Linux server.
    Caution: this address is case-sensitive (lowercase/uppercase characters). If a connection error occurs, forget to check the case and the spelling.
  3. The administrator asks for identification. Enter the username and password specified when the WEBDEV Application Server was installed.
Problems that may be encountered while testing the administrator
  • Error 403 appears when the remote administrator is started:
    Reason: The installed version of Apache placed a "deny from all" clause in the configuration file.
    Add a <Directory> clause just before the definition of ScriptAlias in the Apache configuration file:
    <Directory "/usr/local/WebDev/29.0/AWP">
    allow from all
    ScriptAlias /WD290AWP/ "/usr/local/WebDev/29.0/AWP"
  • The images are not displayed in the remote administrator:
    If you retrieve the URL of the image that is not displayed properly ("Properties" in the image context menu) and test it in the browser, the error #403 is displayed.
    Reason: The _WEB alias was defined for the Apache server but its access is locked by an Apache option.
    Solution: For each alias directory, you must define a <Directory> clause in the configuration file of Apache.
If the remote administrator or the WEBDEV websites do not work properly
We advise you to perform the following operations:
  • See the system "logs" (for example /var/log/messages). These files may contain information about the errors that occurred (especially errors about rights).
  • Restart the application server. The following command can be used:
    killall wd290admind
    /etc/init.d/WebDev29 restart
  • Reboot the server if necessary.
Increase the number of simultaneous authorized connections
The number of connections supported by the WEBDEV Application Server depends on the following system resources:
  • the number of semaphores.
  • the number of segments of shared memory.
  • the minimum size of shared memory.

Number of semaphores

The WEBDEV Application Server uses a number of semaphores proportional to the maximum number of simultaneous authorized connections.
To find out the maximum number of available semaphores, run the following command line:
/sbin/sysctl kernel.sem
This command line returns a series of numbers, the last one corresponding to the number of current semaphores (250 32000 32 170 for example, corresponding to about 32 connections). The following formula returns the number of semaphores required to manage n sessions: s = 4 +4 * n
For example, to manage 100 simultaneous connections, the minimum number of semaphores required is: 4 + 4 * 100 = 404

To modify the number of semaphores:
  1. Edit the /etc/sysctl.con file in a text editor. For example, the following command line allows you to edit a file:
    emacs /etc/sysctl.conf

    Remark: you can also edit the file with:
    vi /etc/sysctl.conf

  2. Add or modify the line corresponding to the "kernel.sem" entry and specify the new setting:
    kernel.sem = xxx xxxxx xx 404

    where the Xs represent the digits that were previously returned.
  3. To take these new parameters into account, use the following command line:
    /sbin/sysctl -p

Number of segments of shared memory

The number of segments of shared memory to manage n connections must be equal to 4 + n.

To find out the number of segments of shared memory, run the following command line:
/sbin/sysctl kernel.shmmni

To modify the number of segments of shared memory:
  1. Edit the /etc/sysctl.con file in a text editor.
    For example, the following command line allows you to edit a file:
    emacs /etc/sysctl.conf

    Remark: you can also edit the file with:
    vi /etc/sysctl.conf

  2. Add or modify the line corresponding to the "kernel.shmmni" entry and specify the new setting:
    kernel.shmmni = xxx

    where xxx corresponds to the new setting.
  3. To take these new parameters into account, use the following command line:
    /sbin/sysctl -p

Minimum size of the shared memory

The minimum size of shared memory must be calculated according to the number of connections. The calculation is as follows:
  • n is the number of simultaneous connections.
  • SHMHISTORYSIZE corresponds to the size (in KB) of the history of WEBDEV sessions (2048 KB by default).
  • SHMDIALOGSIZE corresponds to the size (in KB) of the maximum request sent to the server (500 KB by default.
SHMHISTORYSIZE and SHMDIALOGSIZE are defined in the WEBDEV configuration files. For more details, see Appendix 3: Configuration file.

To get the size of the shared memory, run the following command line:
/sbin/sysctl kernel.shmmax

To change the size of the shared memory:
  1. Edit the /etc/sysctl.con file in a text editor. For example, the following command line allows you to edit a file:
    emacs /etc/sysctl.conf

    Remark: you can also edit the file with:
    vi /etc/sysctl.conf
  2. Add or modify the line corresponding to the "kernel.shmmax" entry and specify the new setting:
    kernel.shmmax = xxx

    where xxx corresponds to the new setting.
  3. To take these new parameters into account, use the following command line:
    /sbin/sysctl -p
Minimum version required
  • Version 28
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Last update: 05/24/2024

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